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Fitness Jobs are on the Rise

Today jobs are one of the most talked about things in this country. Getting into an industry with a lot of growth potential is one of the most important things you can do when looking for a career. If you go into the VHS or newspaper business you might not have a job for long. […]

Set Goals Stay Motivated

“The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible.” – Arthur C. Clarke Working out can see like a long term process with long term results. A simple way to reach long term goals is to set and obtain short term goals. This is a great way to […]

Get Ready for Running in Fall

It might not feel like it now but fall is right around the corner. Most people enjoy running outside when the weather is nice but what will you do when the weather gets colder in a few weeks. The answer for some people is to buy a treadmill, get a gym pass to run inside […]

Tracy Anderson Treadmill Training

Tracy Anderson is a trainer to the stars. She has famous clients like  Madonna, Gwyneth Paltrow, Nicole Richie, Courteney Cox, Shakira, Jake and Maggie Gyllenhaal, Ashley Greene, and Jennifer Lopez to name a few. She specializes in more of a female work out to get long lean muscles the kind of results that women seek. This being said she doesn’t believe in just running on a treadmill. Tracy says that […]

50 Superfoods to Lose Weight.

First of all super foods are not a really thing. This is a term that marketing companies have come up with to try to get us to buy more fruits vegetables and other foods that are good for us. You can’t just eat something and expect to lose a significant amount of weight. One must […]

Can you Run on a Treadmill in Space?

The Combined Operational Load Bearing External Resistance Treadmill will allow space travelers to run in space. This is a huge deal for those of use who wish to travel to space and take fitness seriously. Space travel is the thing of the future with commercial space companies all ready signing people up. Now there are other pieces […]

200 Best Running Songs.

MUSIC CAN STIMULATE & MOTIVATE YOU LIKE NOTHING ELSE CAN. Having the right running music can keep you motivated and entertained at the same time. This is why when you are running outside or even when running inside on your treadmill you must listen to music. You can search YouTube for playlists on the treadmill to […]