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How to Clean your Treadmill.

Staying in shape and getting a great workout everyday is a must. Keeping your workout area clean is also one of the more important things in a workout that gets over looked. When at the gym it’s very important that you take time to clean each workout space before you use the equipment. While you may just want to get to work remember if you get sick from dirty equipment you may miss more workouts than the few seconds it takes to wipe down your area. Treadmills are one of the most important machines at the gym to clean.

Each time you get on a treadmill it should be cleaned. At most popular and respected gyms around the United States, they will have wet cleaning wipes placed around the gym. If you have a workout bag or a fanny pack, pack a few wet wipes of your own just in case the gym is out or doesn’t have any in your workout area.

One of your treadmill’s greatest enemies is the dust that accumulates on and underneath the treadmill belt. Fortunately, cleaning a treadmill is reasonably straightforward. There are a lot of how to videos on how to clean your treadmill belt at your home. Gyms usually clean there treadmill belts once a month. While they should do this automatically, if you see your gym’s treadmill with lots of dust on the treadmill or the treadmill belt make sure to request that they clean the belts.

For those of you who have realized that gym memberships and treadmill running at gyms isn’t for you, remember cleaning your treadmill is very important and I have given you a few tips and a step by step process to clean your treadmill.

Tips for Treadmill Cleaning

Step 1

When cleaning your own treadmill first unplug the treadmill. While you most likely won’t need  to do this everyday a good deep clean is good for a treadmill once a month.   

Step 2

Vacuum the top of the treadmill belt and underneath the unit, where dust can build up and accumulate on the belt. Use the bristled extension of your vacuum to clear dust from the treads, if possible.

Step 3

Wipe down the treadmill with a wet rag or a cleaning tissue. Depending on the amount of dust, you might need a few rags.

Tips for Treadmill Cleaning

  • Wear clean shoes on your treadmill that you do not wear outdoors or run barefoot. This will help keep your treadmill cleaner for longer.There are some treadmill mistakes you don’t want to make. Click here to avoid making those treadmill mistakes.

Supplies that you might need to clean your treadmill.

  • Vacuum
  • Wet rags
Check out this great video on other ways to clean your treadmill. Thanks for checking out our blog. Check out a related blog here: Why we Love Treadmills!
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