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Who says?

I really think that there are ways that you can make sitting on the couch in your apartment more beneficial to your health than running on a treadmill.


Wait, just kidding. Running on a treadmill actually saved my life. I use to be disgustingly over weight and extremely unattractive. Now, I weigh about 140 pounds less than I did before and I am still not very attractive. I feel great though. Running on a treadmill was the only option for me because I was really scared to step outdoors to get some exercise. I got really lucky with my treadmill too since I have a roommate that owns a treadmill. He told me that he didn’t want me to use it when he went on vacation and I told him that I wouldn’t dream of touching it because I couldn’t  see the TV from the treadmill anywaw. I got into running on a treadmill because the TV broke and I had absolutely nothing to do. I actually starte out longboarding with a longboard that belonged to that same roommate. I almost tipped the treadmill over though when I got off the track and I decided to walk on the treadmill after that.

I have been running on a treadmill at least two or three times every week. I read somewhere that in order to get the health benefits from aerobic exercises you need to go for at least 20 minutes so but I don’t usually do that. I think one of the best things that running on a treadmill has done for me is that it has helped me have a desire to be more active. I guess without the desire to exercise I would be dead.