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Treadmill Brands, strengths and weaknesses

When searching for a treadmill, you’ll likely come across all sorts of different brands. Sole, Proform, Smooth, Freemotion, Yowza, Nordictrack, Weslo, Livestrong, Horizon, Landice, etc. The list goes on and on. Each of these brands have different strengths, and marketing tactics. Some of them are just different names for the same manufacturer. There is usually a behind-the-scenes manufacturer that, if you can learn about, can help you determine which brands you like or want to trust. For example, Nordictrack, Proform, and Freemotion are all manufactured by the same people–Icon Fitness. Finding out about Icon can give you insight into all of their brands. And so it is with all brands. Find out who manufactures their treadmills, and learn a little about them. Here are a few words about each.

Icon Fitness: Icon is the largest fitness equipment manufacturer in the world.

  • Proform – Proform focuses a lot on features and functionality. They’ve had a rough past, but have been improving a lot recently.
  • Nordictrack – Nordictrack is very similar to Proform. They offer a lot of entertainment features, including Ifit live on all their treadmills.
  • Healthrider – Healthrider is very average. They make quiet smooth treadmills, with average features and specs. They usually offer very few models at a time.
  • Weslo – Weslo specializes in low-end equipment. They make treadmills as low as $200. If you want a lasting treadmill for a normal person, you should spend more.
  • Freemotion – Freemotion’s newer models are good quality, with good features
  • Epic – Epic makes lightweight and basic treadmills for low budgets.
  • Gold’s Gym – Gold’s Gym generally makes lightweight treadmills, but some of their treadmills have impressive specs for their price.
  • Reebok – More lightweight treadmills. Similar in design to the other light weights.
  • Ifit – Because Icon manufactures Ifit, they include it on many of their machines which greatly increases their value and functionality.

Johnson Health: Johnson is a smaller company, and they generally focus on lightweight, lower-cost treadmills.

  • Vision – Vision has the biggest range from lowest to highest cost. They even let you choose different options for each aspect of the treadmill.
  • Matrix – Matrix has low-end and high-end treadmills. Their consoles are very unique, simple full screen touch consoles.
  • AFG – AFG has awesome treadmills, and a wide variety to choose from.
  • Horizon – Horizon is the most popular of Johnson, and specializes in light, inexpensive treadmills
  • Livestrong – Livestrong treadmills are very similar to Matrix, and offer a lot of features and quality, as well as great Aesthetics.

Landice makes their own – Some of the best treadmills in the market.
Smooth makes their own – Only sold online. Great quality and warranties.
Yowza makes their own – Only sold online. Excellent quality, features, feel and reviews.

This is just a few of them, hopefully this helps you out.