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Look forward to the Nordictrack Incline Trainer X9i

Nordictrack Incline Trainer X9iIf you’ve been around for the past several years, you’ll remember how much the Nordictrack Incline trainer X7i was showing up all over the commercials and ads on TV and the Internet. Nordictrack spent more on marketing for that machine more than any other, but it turned out to be one of Nordictrack’s highest selling treadmills they’ve ever put out. Jillian Michaels endorsed the X7i on the famous show ‘Biggest Loser’, as one of the fastest fat burning machines out there.

Well, the fame of the X7i has come and gone. Nordictrack hasn’t been pushing it as hard any more, and the dust has settled on it. A few weeks ago, Nordictrack came out with their new model…The Nordictrack Incline Trainer X9i! Finally they’re moving on. The awesome thing about the X9i is that it has some wonderful improvements, and yet has been put out at the same price the X7i was at.

The X9i seems to have filled every hole that the X7i left. The X7i had a short running surface, and a very skimpy warranty. The X9i not only improved upon those things, but made those things some of its strengths. The X9i now has a 20″ x 62″ running belt, which is larger than most regular treadmills. It also has a lifetime warranty on the frame and motor, and 5 years on parts, and 2 years of labor. They put their new Ifit Tablet on the X9i as well which gives you full access to Ifit Live on the built in web browser touch screen.

Nordictrack hasn’t really begun marketing the treadmill yet, but I suspect it won’t be long before they drenching the world with it. Hopefully it has the success of the X7i, or even more. It is a genuinely good model and good deal.

For a coupon on the Nordictrack incline Trainer X9i Click Here